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Found 57534 results for any of the keywords is used to measure. Time 0.119 seconds.
General Lab Instruments - Amith Garment ServicesVernier caliper is used to measure the distance with high accuracy and precision.
User Profile | Agile AllianceEdit your Agile Alliance profile, manage your membership, view your favorite content, and access your downloads
Membership Terms and Conditions | Agile AllianceAiming to create a great member experience, providing benefits for individual members and the industry, we ask you to agree to abide by our terms and conditions
Feature Branching is Evil | Agile AllianceFeature branching is a commonly accepted practices in the IT industry, mainly used to control quality and feature delivery. Many times the inverse is true, and branches break the flow of the IT delivery process.
Game On | Agile AllianceApplied Learning with Agile Games – come learn with games and exercises designed to instill “aha” moments for yourself, your teams, and those that lead them.
Agile Events Calendar | Agile AllianceAgile Alliance organizes and supports a range of conferences and educational sessions to bring the Agile community together on an international scale.
Submit Not-for-Profit Event | Agile AllianceSubmit a not-for-profit event to the Agile Alliance website.
Agile Minicon – The Future of AI in Agile | Agile AllianceAgile MiniCon – “The Future of AI in Agile” Friday, December 8, 2023 With the rapid pace of change in artificial intelligence, how should Agilists inspect and adapt? What will be the relationship between humans and AI in
Agile Resource Guide | Agile AllianceThe Agile Resource Guide is a directory of companies providing products or services to the Agile community. The listings are paid and do not imply an endorsement.
Agile AllianceAgile Alliance is a global nonprofit membership organization dedicated to people and organizations that apply the values and principles of the Agile Manifesto.
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